Moscow, Novoposelkova str., 6, building 216-1, floor 6, office 6

Stainless fasteners

Stainless steel fittings, piping and shut-off valves

Наша команда

Генеральный директор
Слобожанинов Игорь
Менеджер отдела продаж
Баранова Алёна
Менеджер отдела продаж
Полякова Людмила
Менеджер отдела продаж
Садовская Алла Анатольевна
Менеджер отдела продаж
Фасхутдинов Денис Олегович
Менеджер отдела продаж
Толубеев Вадим Константинович

Наш склад

High-quality fastening materials are able to ensure the connection of elements into a single block, superior in strength to the rivet assembly and not inferior to the weld. And this despite the fact that it remains detachable.

Despite its small size, fasteners are the basis of any design. Reliable connecting products are necessary for the operation of equipment in intensive mode. By the weakest link, the total working resource of the node is estimated.

Types of fasteners

Connecting modules are divided into metric and with adapted purpose. The first group serves to fix parts of the structure with a threaded connection, the second group unites a group of non-threaded products.

Features of metric hardware

The elements are made of high-strength stainless steel with chromium and nickel additives, resistant to aggressive environments. Grades A2, A4 of austenitic alloys are durable, durable and do not undergo magnetization.

Hardware is characterized by:

  • Resistance to high deformation loads.
  • Immunity to temperature fluctuations.
  • A simple and strong connection.

A2 grade steels are designed for operation at temperatures from -200 0C to +425 0C. In A4 grade, due to the inclusion of molybdenum in the alloy, corrosion resistance increases, while the operating interval changes slightly (from -60 0C to +450 0C).

Main fasteners

Bolts are designed for a solid fixed docking of blocks. The cylindrical module with a head and thread is available in a variety of versions, depending on the types of connections. Products can be of standard parameters or special purpose.

Nuts tighten the connection by screwing on the thread. The standard size is hexagonal, which makes it easier to assemble manually or with a horn wrench.

Washers are installed to increase the support area at the point of contact of the surfaces.

Anchors refer to high-strength products designed for installation in solid materials with high density (concrete and reinforced concrete slabs, natural stone). They are used for mounting and firmly fixing parts of the structure.

Rods (studs) are designed to build up connecting elements. They are used for installation on ceiling ceilings.

Clamps with a screw mechanism are used for reliable fixation of hoses and pipes of structures. Stainless steel tightening tape and carbon steel bolt ensure reliable operation of the product in aggressive conditions.

Our advantages

We offer high-strength fasteners, thanks to which the assembly of parts in structures with increased loads will be reliable. The modules provide a shear-resistant fixation. Bolt sets of increased strength allow you to tighten the elements with great effort until friction occurs between the surfaces. As a result, when the load increases, there is no shift between the parts.

We sell products in bulk. The company's partners receive special working conditions depending on the volume of the application. The goods of foreign and domestic manufacturers are certified and comply with the current regulations.

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